Remote Selling: Our Virtual Reality
The selling environment may be changing, but what does that really mean for us as salespeople? In this video segment, we will explore the reality of virtual selling and bring some clarity to the ways that we can (and should) respond to it.
If you prefer to listen to the message above, click below to download or listen to the Audio version.
Be Intentional
I am knowledgeable and proficient with the virtual tool(s) I am using
I have done the appropriate research:
The Prospect/Customer
Their Market
Specific Conditions
My Competitors
Be Impactful
I am including all of the right people
I have a well-defined objective and written plan
I have at least 1-2 well-crafted questions that can promote discovery of a need
I have practiced my questions out loud to make sure they are clear
I am applying my non-travel time productively
Get Creative
I have added something unexpected to the meeting
Lunch / Coffee
Delivery of something you reference during the call
I am leading or following-up with a personal video message
I am including a virtual demo
Embedding videos tutorial
Here are a few tools you can try for getting Videos quickly and Effectively embedded into your emails. There are Others out there, but a few to get you started are below.
Coaching Conversation Guide
Get your team together to Discuss the follow questions:
Describe a success or challenge you have had in one of these areas over the last several weeks?
Honestly discuss any discomfort you may have selling through virtual tools.
Make a commitment to new actions that will be practiced in the next week.
Give an example of how you are “Being Intentional” in your preparation.
What are you doing to make sure that you are “Being Impactful” in each conversation?
How have you been inspired to “Get Creative”?
What was your source of inspiration?